How To Pack Your Suitcase Like a Champ
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Traveling 101: How To Pack Your Suitcase Like A Champ

Date Published:
Aug 05, 2014
Traveling 101: How To Pack Your Suitcase Like A Champ

Packing properly for a business or pleasure trip today is more important than ever. The number of suitcases you pack and suitcase weight will have an impact on the fees you pay. You certainly don’t want to over pack, but you want to be careful not to forget critical items.

Here are tips for how to pack your suitcase like a champ.

  • Understand the rules. Travel safety rules limit what you can carry on a plane. Make sure you are not packing knives and remember liquids are limited to 3 ounce bottles. You will also want to understand your airline’s luggage size and weight limitations before getting started.
  • Make a list. Think about each day you will be on the road and what you will likely be doing. Odds are your traveling clothes can be used on the return trip.
  • Pack versatile clothes. T-shirts, jeans, shorts and polo shirts travel well and can be worn more than once.
  • Leave no space unused. Stuff small items like socks or underwear in your shoes. Shoes are also a good place to store personal grooming items. Avoid the tendency to over pack shoes.
  • Roll clothes to save space. Lay three T-shirts on top of each other on a bed, fold in the sleeves and roll them together. Similar tactics can be used for shorts and pants. Rolling clothes can save lots of space.
  • Plan for Souvenirs. If you plan on buying a souvenir sweatshirt, don’t take one. Buying a T-shirt? Pack one less. You also want to leave room for your re-pack at the end of the trip.
  • Make Your Suitcase Stand Out. Avoid missing your suitcase on the carrousel or worse yet, picking up someone else’s. Tie a brightly colored ribbon on the handle or use a neon sticker.
  • Pack for lost luggage. Make sure you have an extra set of underwear and other necessary items in your carry on should your main bag get lost or delayed. Include important paperwork and prescriptions as well.
  • Don’t panic, you don’t have to take everything. It is better to remember the things you absolutely need like electronics, paperwork, credit cards, and identification. You can always pick up the socks you forgot on the road!