Costa Rica Drops Travel Insurance Requirement for U.S. Travelers
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Costa Rica Drops Travel Insurance Requirement for U.S. Travelers

Date Published:
Aug 16, 2021
Costa Rica Drops Travel Insurance Requirement for U.S. Travelers

Costa Rica Drops Travel Insurance Requirement for U.S. Travelers

It’s official — Costa Rica government officials have dropped the travel insurance requirement for travelers from the United States. Even as other countries work to strengthen their anti-tourism policies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. travelers will now have an easier time getting into Costa Rica than they have in more than a year.

Travel Insurance Requirement Dropped for Vaccinated Travelers

Arenal Volcano View

On Aug. 1, 2021, Costa Rican officials announced that travelers from the U.S. would no longer need to provide proof of travel insurance if they meet one of the following conditions:

  • They are younger than 18 years old.
  • They are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

To be considered fully vaccinated, at least two weeks must have passed since your final dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine. Currently approved COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. include the following:

  • The two-dose Moderna vaccine
  • The two-dose Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
  • The one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine

If you’re fully vaccinated, that means you can enter Costa Rica, but you will need to add one more item to your essential travel items list: your COVID-19 vaccination record card.

Can You Enter Costa Rica if You Aren’t Vaccinated?

Fishing at Los Suenos

As of the time of this writing, only 61 percent of adults in the U.S. were fully vaccinated against COVID-19. That leaves 39 percent of U.S. adults who may be wondering whether they can still travel to Costa Rica.

In short, the answer is yes — you can go to Costa Rica if you are unvaccinated. However, you will have to meet some specific requirements. First, you will still have to provide proof of health insurance that would cover the costs of any medical treatment related to COVID-19 and quarantine lodging during your stay.

Your insurance card won’t do the trick, either. You need to get special certification from your insurance company that confirms the following:

  • Your medical insurance policy will be valid for your entire stay in Costa Rica.
  • Your policy will cover medical expenses related to COVID-19 up to $50,000.
  • Your insurance will cover at least $2,000 for extended lodging costs related to COVID-19 infection and quarantine.

Keep in mind that Costa Rican immigration officials still reserve the right to determine the amount of time you can spend in the country. So, if you show up without proof of vaccination and an insurance policy that doesn’t cover your entire planned stay, you might be turned away or have your stay limited.

Do You Have to Quarantine Upon Arrival in Costa Rica?

Villa Caletas Hotel Mirador

Good news if you’re worried about having to spend two weeks in isolation in beautiful Costa Rica: U.S. travelers are not required to quarantine after arriving in Costa Rica, as they were earlier in the pandemic.

However, if you test positive for COVID-19 while you are in Costa Rica, you will be forced to quarantine for 10 to 14 days, depending on how severe the infection appears to be. This is in line with most major airlines, which require travelers to isolate for two weeks after a positive test and prior to boarding any flight.

Now’s the Time: Visit Costa Rica

The easing of travel restrictions means we’re about to begin a wonderful season of travelers experiencing all the fun, beauty, and relaxation Costa Rica has to offer. If you want to be a part of that, take advantage of the vacation packages, tours, and world-class fishing we offer at Adventure Tours Costa Rica. Call 1-800-761-7250 or contact us online.