Horseback Waterfall Tours: A Waterfall Worth Chasing
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A Waterfall Worth Chasing- Horseback Waterfall Tours

Date Published:
Jun 10, 2014
A Waterfall Worth Chasing- Horseback Waterfall Tours

Costa Rica has dozen of rivers, mountain springs, and streams that provide the region with fresh water as well as energy efficient hydroelectric power with hundreds of waterfalls located both in mountainous areas and throughout the rainforest. While not all these waterfalls are available to the public many are and one of the best ways to experience them is by going on a horseback waterfall tour. Romantic pools are at the base of many waterfalls for wading and swimming.

The horseback waterfall tour is one of many tours conducted by Adventure Tours in Costa Rica, along with tours of the area by ATV and white water rafting. The horse tours are more low key and will allow you to experience and take in the beauty of the area whether you are choosing the tour as a romantic outing, or you are having a bit of tropical family time.
The tours typically last between 2-3 hours and ideally run with six people along for the ride. Kids as young as five are accepted, and the only restrictions for not being allowed to participate is if you are either pregnant or over 210 pounds in order to keep both those on the tour and the horses safe from harm. It's suggested that those touring wear hats, apply sunscreen, wear sneakers, and bring towels and swimwear in order to get the most out of the experience.

The waterfall tour runs through La Quin Farm near Los Suenos and Jaco, where the guides Chris and Andrea will happily answer your questions and point out the highlights on the trail.

The horses are just as professional as the guides and are ready for both experienced and first time riders. While the waterfalls are breathtaking, your ride will also allow you to experience other sources of beauty the region has to offer as well while witnessing the colorful and diverse plants and animals of the region. Keep your eye out and you may encounter animals such as many species of birds, including parrots, frogs, iguana, butterflies, deer, and monkeys. You'll also see lush greenery and brightly colored flowers at every turn.

Throughout the tour, there are several opportunities to get off the horses, wade in the pools at the base of the waterfall and enjoy fresh fruit and ice cold drinks. One of the waterfalls in a mineral spring waterfall that creates the mud for a natural mineral mud spa treatment -- an excellent treat for your skin.