Jaco Blog - May 15, 2022
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Jaco Blog - May 15, 2022

Date Published:
May 16, 2022
Jaco Blog - May 15, 2022

Jacó Blog: A New Space for Jaco Impact

The pristine blue of the water where the Gulf of Nicoya meets the Pacific Ocean. The lush rainforests sweeping the rolling hills along the coast. The sparkling beaches and ancient cliffs embodying the tranquility of Jaco, Costa Rica.

Locals of the city of Jaco take great pride in the unparalleled natural environment found in this region of Costa Rica. Perhaps none so much as Yorgina Ureña - founder of Jacó Impact - and those that work alongside her to do all they can to preserve the beauty of Jaco and its people.

What is Jacó Impact?

Jaco Impact Logo

Jacó Impact is a community of local allies who come together to impact Jaco, Costa Rica for the better, focusing on sustainability and being good stewards of the environment. They regularly host initiatives such as cleaning up the city and the beach, holding workshops showing groups of people how to recycle and repurpose materials that would otherwise be thrown away into something useful and beautiful, and even teaching children about sustainable practices.

Leaders of Jacó Impact believe that creativity, innovation, and a love of Costa Rican culture can help bring their community together to improve social welfare. Besides protecting the environment, the group also rallies around the pillars of education, art and culture, sports, welfare, empowerment, and animal welfare. Their principle of “learning by doing” provided ripples of help and influence around the city during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jacó Impact Relocates

Vendors at Jaco Impact

In May 2022, the Jacó Impact team unexpectedly learned that they would no longer be able to occupy the storefront space along Jacó Walk that their supporters have come to know as home.

The rental space has served as a centralized location where the environmental champions could collect donations, sell their upcycled crafts and wares, and run a food pantry for families in need throughout their community.

The collective was able to find a new location on Route 94 where they are going to move their physical headquarters. The new space will be larger than the Jacó Walk storefront, but it does need renovations - for which Jacó Impact is hoping to raise funds to complete as soon as possible.

How to Support Jacó Impact

Yor from Jaco Impact

Relocation for nonprofits and community initiatives can be a difficult transition. Not only does it require time, money, and energy, but organizations risk decreasing the awareness of their good causes. That’s why Jacó Impact is calling upon its supporters and the community to rally behind them as they transition to a new space. Active participation in their projects and organically promoting the organization on social media are a few ways they hope to find support.

Anticipating the costs of relocating and renovating the new space, Jacó Impact has set up a Ko-Fi crowdfunding webpage where anyone can go and make a gift to the organization. One-time donations and recurring monthly donations can be given without the host website taking a fee.

Any donations made to Jacó Impact beyond their relocating needs will be given to support upcoming initiatives to make a positive difference in Jaco, Costa Rica. From tree-planting to hosting gardening classes, from making surfboards out of recyclables to feeding the hungry families of Jaco, every dollar or colón is put to making a difference.

Learn more about Jacó Impact, their current initiatives in Costa Rica, and how you can support them during their relocation on the Jacó Impact Facebook Page.