Amazing Canyoning Tours In Costa Rica - Adventure Tours
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Amazing Canyoning Tours In Costa Rica

Date Published:
Jul 11, 2015
Amazing Canyoning Tours In Costa Rica

I have written blog posts on Costa Rica fishing charters, Los Suenos restaurants, ATV tours Costa Rica, traveling around the country, and so much more. I do feel, however, that my collection of posts would be incomplete without the mention of the amazing canyoning Costa Rica has to offer. Every Central American vacation needs some kind of thrilling adventure to kick things up a notch. While I am the first person to sign up for a pampering massage or luxurious spa treatment, I always feel like the low-key activities are so much more rewarding after an exciting experience.

People tend to avoid the amazing canyoning Costa Rica is so famous for. A fear of heights tends to be the culprit behind this. Let me just say one thing: I am as afraid of standing atop a high-rise building as the next person. Sometimes you just need to take the plunge and experience something entirely new. I was skeptical about canyoning at first -- it usually takes a lot for me to step out of my comfort zone. At some point during my internal monologue about the pros and cons of the activity, I just decided to go for it. I am so glad I did.

Think of it as a chance to experience the motion of flight. That notion alone should be enough to convince you to give it a shot. Just think of the amazing feeling you experience, as the lush green forest envelopes you, while simultaneously immersing your senses in the rumble of a majestic waterfall. There really is nothing better than experiencing nature in full force this way. I guarantee that you will love every minute of your canyoning tour.

Something I need to mention is that you should be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes for your rainforest adventure. I wore new shoes that I had not had the chance to get used to and the after effects were excruciating. Consider wearing trainers with good grip that you are absolutely comfortable with. Choose clothes that are light and loose. Another advisory tip would be to pack a change of clothes. The rainforest experience tends to be quite damp and humid, and you are bound to get wet when exploring these gorgeous surrounds. If you are sensitive to insect bites (as I am) I would also suggest some bug spray. A little planning will make a world of difference.

Find a tour operator that includes a few extras to make the experience completely flawless. Water bottles are an absolute must! Make sure that all the safety gear is in check and included in your tour price as this will eliminate any frustrating and confusion further down the line. I always try to find a tour package that includes breakfast and lunch. Adventuring on a comfortably full stomach is always more enjoyable -- think of it as fuel for your breathtaking rainforest adventure. Most tour operators will plan everything for you and take care of your every need. Always ask questions if you need to set your mind at ease. Enjoy you canyoning in Costa Rica!