La Fortuna: A Perfecta Viaje De Aventura en Costa Rica
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La Fortuna
Costa Rica

La Fortuna

Bienvenido a La Fortuna, uno de los mejores lugares en Costa Rica para viajes de aventura. El lugar escénico en el extremo noroeste del país es el hogar del famoso Volcán Arenal, que se eleva a más de 5,000 pies sobre la rica selva tropical y las extensas tierras de cultivo. Las aventuras al aire libre atraen a la base del volcán.

Quédate en Medio de las Aguas Termales

la fortuna

Si bien no ha habido erupciones en décadas, el manto al rojo vivo en las profundidades del Volcán Arenal crea aguas termales. Muchísimos de ellas. Con piscinas climatizadas naturalmente que brotan (casi) en todas partes en La Fortuna, los resorts, hoteles y cabañas rústicas han creado envidiables enclaves que te permiten sumergirte lujosamente en el lugar. La mayoría de las veces, al reservar alojamiento, también se reserva el derecho de disfrutar de las relajantes piscinas de agua rica en minerales sin tener que abandonar el terreno. La mayoría de las aguas termales ofrecen impresionantes vistas al majestuoso volcán.

Caminata a Través de Tierras Volcánicas

En realidad, no puede escalar hasta la cima del Volcán Arenal, pero puede atravesar la topografía única que se extiende desde sus laderas más bajas, dando paso a densas selvas tropicales y ríos sinuosos que atraviesan el terreno de la selva.

Caminar tanto en el Parque Nacional Volcán Arenal como a lo largo del cercano Sendero Arenal 1968 le brinda la oportunidad de cruzar flujos de lava endurecidos ante vistas sublimes del volcán y el Lago Arenal. Un viaje a la homónima Cascada La Fortuna es algo que debe hacer, mientras que los más aventureros podemos emocionarnos con el rappel y la caída libre de una serie de otras increíbles cascadas del área.

Dirígete a los alrededores serenos de una plantación de café en expansión, o ve bajo tierra, profundizando en un mundo subterráneo de estalagmitas, estalactitas y vías fluviales subterráneas a través de las Cuevas de Venado.

Ríos Salvajes y Selvas Vírgenes

Explore las exuberantes tierras en un paseo a caballo, o suba al alto octanaje y atraviese la jungla en un paseo en ATV. ¿Y qué sería un viaje a Costa Rica sin un tour de canopy? Adéntrate en la densa selva tropical, cruza pintorescos puentes colgantes hacia plataformas elevadas y prepárate para volar sobre el dosel de la jungla en paseos en tirolesas o canopy.

Las aventuras en el río lo llevan a los deslumbrantes descensos por los rápidos de clase II y III del río Balsa o del río Piedras Negras, o suba a algunas carreras de clase IV en el salvaje río Sarapiquí. ¿Buscas algo un poco más tranquilo? También puedes flotar y navegar en kayak por algunos paseos fluviales más serenos en La Fortuna.

Independientemente de cómo disfrutes de las escapadas de la naturaleza, compartirás espacio con monos, perezosos y una gran cantidad de aves exóticas entre la vida silvestre nativa que puebla el área.

Disfrute de Comidas al Aire Libre

Dado el clima acogedor de La Fortuna, no es de extrañar que muchos de sus restaurantes sean ventosos al aire libre. Para una tarifa más alta, puede cenar en uno de los muchos hoteles y resorts, mientras que también abundan las opciones de rango medio para la auténtica cocina costarricense. Y asegúrese de revisar al menos un "refresco". Estos restaurantes populares de todos los días sirven casados ​​diariamente, comidas tradicionales con platos principales como pollo, carne de res y pescado, junto con arroz, frijoles, plátanos y tortillas, lo que le permite deleitarse como un verdadero Tico.

La aventura te espera en la base del Volcán Arenal, ofreciendo increíbles excursiones al aire libre en Costa Rica como ninguna otra.

Puentes Colgantes Volcan Arenal

  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Vida Silvestre
  • Medio Dia Desde $75
  • Facil

Por Persona (mínimo 2 personas)

La Fortuna Combo Tour

  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Vida Silvestre
  • Dia Completo Desde $165
  • Facil

Por Persona (mínimo 2 personas)

Combo de Rafting y Rápel en La Fortuna

La Fortuna Rappel & Rafting

  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Rafting
  • Dia Completo Desde $165
  • Desafiante

Por Persona (mínimo 2 personas)

La Fortuna Río Balsa Rafting Tour

  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Rafting
  • Medio Dia Desde $79
  • Moderado

Por Persona (mínimo 2 personas)

El Silencio del Campo

El Silencio del Campo

  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Hoteles
  • Desde $182

Tabacón Thermal Resort & Spa


  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Hoteles
  • Desde $310

Por noche/ 2 personas (precio no incluye impuesto de ventas)

Springs Resort and Spa

The Springs

  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Hoteles
  • Desde $595

Por Noche/ 2 personas (+ impuestos de venta)

Hotel Volcano Lodge

Volcano Lodge

  • La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Hoteles
  • Desde $216

Por Noche/ 2 personas (+ impuestos)

Parque Nacional Volcán Arenal

Volcán Arenal

Es un parque nacional costarricense en la parte central del país, formando el Área de Conservación Arenal Tilarán.
Refugio de vida Salvaje de Caño Negro

Caño Negro

Es un refugio de vida silvestre, parte del Área de Conservación Arenal Huetar Norte.
Lago Arenal

Lago Arenal

Es un lago que se encuentra en las tierras altas del norte de Costa Rica. Actualmente es el más grande lago en Costa Rica a 85 kilómetros cuadrados (33 millas cuadradas). Su profundidad varía entre 30 y 60 metros (100–200 pies) estacionalmente.

Can I hire transportation to go from La Fortuna to Monteverde?

Absolutely! Our transportation service offers custom transfers between La Fortuna and Monteverde, ensuring a seamless and adventurous journey for our clients. Instead of enduring a long road-only route, we utilize the stunning Lake Arenal to your advantage.

Here's how it works: we'll arrange for a taxi service to pick you up directly from your hotel in La Fortuna and take you to the lake. There, you'll board a ferry for a picturesque journey across Lake Arenal, with breathtaking views of the volcano in the distance. Upon reaching the other side, another taxi will be waiting to whisk you away to your destination in Monteverde.

This unique transfer experience is available in both directions, providing you with an unforgettable way to travel between these two beautiful destinations. Simply contact us to arrange this adventure transfer and embark on a memorable journey through Costa Rica's stunning landscapes.


How long is the drive from Jaco to La Fortuna or vice versa?

The drive from Jaco Beach to La Fortuna typically takes around 4.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions, weather, and any stops you may want to make along the way. With our VIP in-country private transport service, we prioritize efficiency and comfort, ensuring you arrive at your destination swiftly while enjoying a smooth and pleasant journey through Costa Rica's scenic landscapes.


Can I include a rental car in my vacation page?

Yes! Adventure Tours Costa Rica creates custom vacation packages tailored to your preferences. While our packages typically include a combination of private transportation and localized tour transport, if you prefer to have a rental car during your vacation, we are more than happy to accommodate your request. To begin planning your perfect Costa Rican vacation, contact us today!


Can I include private transportation in my vacation page?

Absolutely! Adventure Tours Costa Rica offers custom vacation packages designed to suit your preferences. Our comprehensive vacation packages include accommodations, tours, and a combination of private and tour transportation, providing convenience and flexibility for our customers. Whether you're looking to explore Costa Rica's stunning destinations or simply relax and unwind, we've got you covered. Contact us today to start planning your dream Costa Rican vacation.


Is La Fortuna good for families with kids?

Yes, La Fortuna is a great destination for families with kids. There are plenty of family-friendly activities and attractions in the area. Kids can enjoy activities such as horseback riding, hiking to waterfalls, and exploring the Arenal Volcano hiking trails on a guided tour. Spelunking the Venado Caves is a magical adventure for children and adults alike. Additionally, many accommodations in La Fortuna cater to families, providing amenities such as swimming pools, play areas, and lovely manicured gardens.


What are the best restaurants in La Fortuna?

La Fortuna boasts an array of exceptional restaurants that cater to various culinary preferences. Pollo Fortuneo is a popular spot known for its mouthwatering rotisserie chicken. Nanku is a standout restaurant that specializes in Japanese cuisine. Rancho La Casada is another notable establishment, where visitors can savor authentic Costa Rican fare, including typical casados, grilled meats, and traditional dishes. These are just a few of the excellent dining options available in La Fortuna.


How are hot springs in La Fortuna heated?

The hot springs in La Fortuna are heated through the geothermal energy generated by the nearby Arenal Volcano. The volcano provides the necessary heat for the hot springs. Water from rain and other sources seeps into the Earth's crust and is heated by the residual heat from the volcano's activity. The heated water then rises to the surface, creating the hot springs.


How hot are the hot springs at Arenal?

The temperature of the hot springs in La Fortuna can vary. Hot springs resorts and facilities in La Fortuna regulate the temperature of their hot spring pools to maintain a comfortable range for visitors, typically between 90-104 degrees Fahrenheit


What are the best La Fortuna combo tours?

La Fortuna offers a variety of exciting combo tours to choose from. One popular option is the La Fortuna Waterfall and Hanging Bridges combo tour, where participants can traverse the suspension bridges for stunning panoramic views of the surrounding rainforest and then experience the spectacle of the area’s most famous waterfall. Other notable combo tours include a thrilling Canopy Combo, which features a zipline tour paired with hanging bridges and a high-altitude gondola ride, or River Rafting and Canyoning & Rappelling.


Can you spend a week in La Fortuna?

Yes, you can definitely spend a week in La Fortuna and have plenty of activities and attractions to explore. If you would like to create a customized itinerary for your week in La Fortuna, working with an agent who has specific expertise in the La Fortuna area is the best way to save money and maximize your adventure.


Are there adventure tours in La Fortuna?

Yes, La Fortuna is renowned for its adventure tours that offer exciting experiences to thrill-seekers. Visitors can indulge in activities such as ziplining through the rainforest canopy, whitewater river rafting, canyoning tours, ATV tours and much more!


What’s the best coffee in La Fortuna?

My Coffee is a highly recommended choice, offering a cozy atmosphere and serving delicious Costa Rican coffee alongside pastries and light snacks.


Is La Fortuna Volcano Active?

Arenal Volcano near La Fortuna was active until 2010 but has since entered a resting phase. Currently, the Arenal Volcano is considered to be dormant, though volcanic activity could resume at any time.


Is it safe to walk around La Fortuna Costa Rica?

La Fortuna is considered a relatively safe place to walk around in Costa Rica. It is a popular destination, and the town has a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. If you exercise general caution and follow normal travel safety guidelines, you should be able to safely enjoy La Fortuna. [View Full Blog Post]


How to get from La Fortuna to Monteverde?

There are two ways to get from La Fortuna to Monteverde. The first way is to drive around Lake Arenal, and the second way is to travel by ferry across Lake Arenal, which is the perfect solution for vacationers who don’t have a rental car to deal with. The trip across lake Arenal is not only shorter, it offers incredible views of the volcano and the lush landscape surrounding the lake. You'll want to arrange the taxi, boat, taxi transfer from La Fortuna to Monteverde ahead of time to guarantee a smooth passage. You can also do transfer in reverse, starting from Monteverde and ending in La Fortuna.


Does La Fortuna have a nightlife?

While La Fortuna is primarily known for its natural beauty and adventure activities, it does offer a modest nightlife scene. The town has a handful of bars and clubs where visitors can enjoy some evening entertainment. That said, the nightlife in La Fortuna is relatively low-key compared to other destinations in Costa Rica, and the town tends to quiet down earlier in the evening as well.


What are the best La Fortuna Tours?

One of the most popular options is the Arenal Volcano hike, where visitors can explore the volcano's trails, learn about its history, and marvel at the breathtaking views. Another must-try is the Hanging Bridges tour, where adventurers can traverse suspension bridges high above the rainforest canopy, witnessing diverse flora and fauna, and enjoying stunning vistas. For those seeking relaxation, a visit to one of the many hot springs resorts allows one to unwind in the soothing, mineral-rich waters. Other popular adventures include a La Fortuna ATV tour, La Fortuna Waterfall tour, and whitewater rafting on the Class III Sarapiqui or the Class II Rio Balsa.


What are some fun facts about La Fortuna?

La Fortuna has several interesting and fun facts worth knowing. One of the most interesting facts is that there is a submerged town under Lake Arena. When the Arenal Dam was constructed in the 1970s, the resulting Arenal Reservoir flooded an entire town known as El Burio. Near La Fortuna, there is an impressive underground system of caves known as Venado Caves. These caves offer a thrilling adventure for visitors, with opportunities to crawl through narrow passages, rappel down waterfalls, and see unique geological formations that are millions of years old. Another interesting fact involves the Arenal Volcano eruption of 1968. Arenal Volcano had been dormant for centuries before a massive eruption on July 29, 1968 changed the surrounding landscape drastically. You can visit the 1968 hiking trails on a guided tour


Is sitting in hot springs good for you?

Yes, we believe that sitting in hot springs can be beneficial for your health. The warm water of hot springs can help to relax muscles, alleviate stress, and promote blood flow. The heat of the water can also help to open up pores and cleanse the skin, resulting in improved skin health. Additionally, hot springs often contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, which can have therapeutic effects on the body. These minerals are believed to have properties that can alleviate joint pain, soothe muscle aches, and improve overall well-being. If you have a medical condition that might be impacted by the hot springs, you should check with your healthcare provider for specific instruction.


Are hot springs sanitary?

Yes, hot springs in La Fortuna are generally sanitary. The hot springs in this area are well-maintained and supervised to ensure cleanliness and hygiene for visitors. The water in hot springs is naturally heated by volcanic activity from Arenal Volcano, which helps eliminate harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Additionally, hot springs resorts and facilities in La Fortuna have strict protocols for water treatment and regular monitoring to ensure the water is safe and sanitary for visitors.


Do you wear a bathing suit to hot springs?

Yes, it is common practice to wear a bathing suit when visiting hot springs. Bathing suits are typically worn for hygiene reasons and to maintain modesty while enjoying the hot spring pools. Additionally, wearing a bathing suit allows for easy movement and comfort while in the water.


Can you see sloths in La Fortuna Costa Rica?

While there are sloths in La Fortuna Costa Rica, the best opportunity to see them is by doing a tour of the sloth territory. Doing a tour led by a naturalist guide increases your chances of spotting one, since the guides are familiar with the sloths' habits and habitat. If you are trying to spot sloths in the wild on your own, visiting the hanging bridges in La Fortuna is a good idea. Remember to take your time, keep quiet, and bring equipment, such as binoculars and a high quality camera with an excellent zoom. Sloths are known for their incredible camouflage skills and their tendency to remain high up in the trees. This can make them somewhat elusive for visitors who are hoping to spot one on their own.


What wildlife is in Lake Arenal?

Lake Arenal is home to a diverse array of wildlife. The lake and its surrounding areas offer a unique ecosystem that supports a variety of animals. Common wildlife sightings include different bird species like herons, toucans, and kingfishers, as well as reptiles such as iguanas. On the shores, one may spot various mammals, including howler monkeys, coatis, and raccoons. The lake itself is inhabited by a wide range of fish species, making it an ideal spot for fishing.


Are there monkeys in Arenal?

Yes, there are monkeys in the Arenal region. La Fortuna is home to several different species of monkeys. The most commonly seen monkey species in this area include howler monkeys, spider monkeys, and Capuchin monkeys. These playful and curious creatures can often be spotted swinging through the treetops or foraging for food in the forests surrounding Arenal Volcano.


Is La Fortuna Waterfall hike hard?

The trail to La Fortuna Waterfall is well-maintained, but it consists of a descent with around 500 steps. It's important to wear appropriate footwear on your tour. The ascent back up the steps can be physically demanding, especially for those who are not accustomed to hiking or have mobility issues. The hike requires a moderate level of fitness and stamina over all. It may be more challenging for individuals who do not regularly engage in physical activities. If you wear comfortable clothing, use proper hiking shoes, take your time, and rest when needed, we find that most people in average physical condition are able to enjoy a visit to La Fortuna waterfall. For those who are not able to do the steps at La Fortuna Waterfall, there is an observation platform that provides the opportunity to enjoy the waterfall without tackling the steps.


Is it easy to get around in La Fortuna without a car?

Taxis are readily available in La Fortuna and can take you to different attractions or nearby destinations. In addition, many providers in La Fortuna offer transportation as part of their tours. Finally, private transportation can also be a great option, especially if you have a larger group, or if you would like to visit a local attraction on your own and need a ride back to your hotel once you’re finished.


Is Arenal too touristy?

La Fortuna has many attractions and activities, including Arenal Volcano, nature reserves, natural geothermal hot springs, a beautiful lake, La Fortuna waterfall, and a huge variety of adventure tours - all of which make it a popular destination for travelers. While some people may consider it too touristy, we find that the amount of activities available and the amenities in the area make La Fortuna well worth the visit. There are ample opportunities for peaceful explorations of the area's incredible attractions regardless of when you visit, but it is important to note that visiting La Fortuna during green season might be a good choice for travelers who prefer smaller crowds and don't mind some rain in the afternoons.


How far is the beach from La Fortuna?

La Fortuna is located inland, in the central Alajuela province of Costa Rica. You would need to travel to the Pacific coast in order to arrive at the closest beach. Playa Hermosa in the Guanacaste province is the closest at about 3 hours driving distance. Jaco Beach in the Puntarenas province is about 3.5-4 hours from La Fortuna by car.


Is La Fortuna good for families with kids?

Yes, La Fortuna is a great destination for families with kids. The town offers a wide range of family-friendly activities and attractions that can be enjoyed by children of all ages. Kids can explore the Arenal Volcano National Park, go on nature hikes, and discover the diverse wildlife of Costa Rica. La Fortuna also offers adventure activities suitable for children, including cave spelunking, ziplining, horseback riding, and guided nature tours.


Why is La Fortuna popular?

La Fortuna is popular for several reasons. One of the main attractions is the majestic Arenal Volcano, which provides a stunning backdrop for the town. The volcano offers opportunities for hiking, wildlife observation, and adventure activities like ziplining tours. Additionally, La Fortuna is known for its hot springs, where visitors can relax and soak in the natural geothermal waters. The town is surrounded by lush rainforests and natural wonders such as La Fortuna waterfall, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts.


Does Arenal volcano glow at night?

No, Arenal hasn’t glowed at night for quite some time, and when it has previously, it’s never been consistent. While Arenal is an active volcano, its volcanic activity fluctuates and has been quiet for some time now. Glowing lava hasn’t been spotted since 2010, though it could return at any time. Regardless of this, Arenal volcano is a truly breathtaking site that brings visitors from around the world.


Do you shower before hot springs?

It is generally recommended to shower before entering hot springs. Showering helps to remove any lotions, oils, or dirt from your body, ensuring that the hot springs remain clean and hygienic for all visitors. Additionally, showering helps to regulate your body temperature and remove any sweat or impurities, allowing you to fully enjoy the relaxing and therapeutic experience of the hot springs. Therefore, taking a quick shower before entering hot springs is considered good practice for maintaining cleanliness and maximizing your enjoyment of the activity.


What are common animals in La Fortuna Costa Rica?


Are there sloths in La Fortuna?

Yes, there are sloths in La Fortuna, Costa Rica. The region is known for its rich biodiversity and is home to a variety of wildlife, including sloths. These slow-moving creatures can often be spotted hanging from tree branches in the rainforests surrounding La Fortuna.


Can you go to La Fortuna Waterfall for free?

Yes, you can go to La Fortuna Waterfall for free. This stunning waterfall is located near the Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica, and it is a popular tourist destination.


What to wear to La Fortuna?

When heading to La Fortuna, it is important to dress appropriately for the climate and the activities you plan to do. Lightweight, breathable fabrics are ideal for the hot, humid weather. Shorts, t-shirts, and tank tops are great for keeping cool, while a light jacket is recommended for cooler evenings. For outdoor activities such as hiking and zip-lining, comfortable shoes and clothes that you don’t mind getting a little dirty are essential. A swimsuit is also a must for taking a dip in the hot springs or swimming in the lake. Don’t forget to bring a hat and sunglasses to protect your face from the sun.


How hard is the La Fortuna waterfall hike?

The La Fortuna waterfall hike is a challenging but rewarding experience. The hike is approximately two miles long and includes some steep terrain. The hike starts with a steep climb up the mountain, which can be quite difficult for some hikers. Once at the top, the trail winds through the jungle before reaching the waterfall. The trail can be slippery and muddy, so it's important to wear the proper footwear and be careful. The view of the waterfall is worth the effort, though, and the cool water will be a welcome respite after the hike.


What is the best month to visit Arenal Costa Rica?

Arenal Costa Rica is an amazing place to visit any time of the year, but the best month to visit is usually April or May. During this time, the weather is usually warm and sunny, with temperatures ranging from 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the day. The rain is usually light and scattered, and the humidity is usually low. April and May are also the driest months of the year, so you won’t have to worry about getting wet too often. Additionally, these months offer some of the best views of Arenal Volcano and the surrounding rainforest.


Can you swim in the La Fortuna Waterfall?

Yes, you can swim in the La Fortuna Waterfall. This majestic waterfall is located in Costa Rica and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country. The waterfall is surrounded by lush, tropical rainforest and cascades down from a height of 70 meters into a large pool of crystal clear water. The temperature of the pool is perfect for swimming and you can even take a dip beneath the falls for an unforgettable experience.


Is La Fortuna Costa Rica safe for tourists?

La Fortuna Costa Rica is a popular destination for tourists and is considered to be a very safe place to visit. The town is located in the northern region of the country which is largely rural and has a low crime rate. The local police force is well trained and equipped to handle any type of emergency. Additionally, the town has a strong tourism industry that is monitored by the government to ensure the safety of visitors.


Does it rain every day in La Fortuna Costa Rica?

No, it does not rain every day in La Fortuna. La Fortuna is located in the northern lowlands of Costa Rica, and it is known for its tropical climate. The rainy season in La Fortuna runs from May to October, and during this time, the area receives an average of 12 to 13 inches of rain each month. However, the rest of the year is characterized by sunny and dry weather, with temperatures ranging from the mid-70s to the mid-80s Fahrenheit. During the dry season, there are occasional showers, but they are typically short-lived and don't last more than a few hours.


Is la Fortuna waterfall worth visiting?

Absolutely! La Fortuna Waterfall is definitely worth it. The waterfall is located in the heart of the rainforest, making it a breathtaking natural wonder. It's a great place to go for a swim, take a hike, and admire the natural beauty. The waterfall is surrounded by lush vegetation and is a great place to take photos. The hike to the waterfall is relatively easy and the view from the top is spectacular. The sound of the waterfall is soothing and the water is crystal clear. It's an experience that you won't forget and one that is absolutely worth it.


Is la Fortuna Costa Rica worth visiting?

Yes, La Fortuna Costa Rica is definitely worth visiting. It is a beautiful destination with plenty of activities to partake in. From the Arenal Volcano National Park to the La Fortuna Waterfall, there is something for everyone. You can go hiking, horseback riding, zip-lining, or swimming in the nearby hot springs. The area is also home to some of the best restaurants and bars in the country, making it a great place to relax and enjoy the nightlife.


How many days do you need in la Fortuna?

Visiting La Fortuna is an unforgettable experience that shouldn't be rushed. Depending on your interests and the type of vacation you are looking for, you will need to plan accordingly. Generally speaking, if you are looking to explore the area, relax, and enjoy a few activities, three to four days in La Fortuna should be enough to get a good feel for the area. You can use the first day to explore the town and its attractions, the second day to take a tour of the Arenal Volcano, and the third day to go rafting, zip-lining, or take a relaxing hot springs soak.


¿A cuánta distancia está Jaco de Arenal / La Fortuna?

El Volcán Arenal y La Fortuna están aproximadamente a 3.5-4 horas de Jaco.